Fencing Business for Sale Ref: 2842
An exceptional, well established business with an excellent, always profitable track record and Blue Chip clients.
Although mainly focusing on various commercial fencing options and opportunities, you will also have a fencing materials supply Retail outlet.
This Sale provides an opening for Fencing Companies from Australia Wide or a company that requires diversification or a greater slice of the market share.
* Trusted and Respected Company;
* Excellent Experienced, Skilled, Trained Staff with Sub-Contractors;
* Recognised Leaders In The Fencing Industry in Queensland;
* Strong Client Base that is Mainly Commercial;
Products Include:
Commercial Fencing
Residential Fencing (20%)
Steel Supplies
DIY Fence Kits, Gates and Accessories
Extensive Range Of Steel, Pipe, Fitting
* Requires A QBCC Licence;
* Showing Healthy Profits;
* Easy To Manage With Reliable Staff As It Has Effective Systems;
* 5 Year Lease from 2016;
* The Yard is A Cause for Envy With its Substantial Sealed Hard Stand Area;
* Workshop and Office.
Price for Sale: $850,000 WIWO.
Broker: Ray Dye 0411 428 776/ray@absbrisbane.com
Head Office: 07 3368 4010/reception@absbrisbane.com
See the business listing here: http://www.edenexchange.com/business-for-sale/7791/Fencing-Business-for-Sale-Ref-2842