Podcast: The Country Road to Franchising (ft. Don Mcinnes from Jim’s Test and Tag and Jim’s Fire Safety)
Ever dream of the country lifestyle? Take the leap into business ownership and see where it’ll take you…
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In this episode of Eden Exchanges, Don McInness (from Jim’s Test and Tag and Fire Safety for regional Victoria and New South Wales) talked us through the style and benefits of running a franchise from regional areas. Don had some great insights for entrepreneurs interested in entering small business and franchising, and talked about the lifestyle of successful franchisees in his area.
Key Points
- Don’s personal journey to heading up Jim’s Test and Tag and Fire Safety in Regional Victoria and New South Wales
- What changes the business has had on Don’s career and lifestyle
- Types of people & background that would suit running a franchise in these territories
- Unique aspects of regional areas
- How the typical regional client base differs from the inner city client
- What classes as a successful franchisee, and what kind of returns to expect
- Support offered to franchisees
- Growth of the Jim’s Test & Tag and Fire Safety franchise
- Next steps for prospective franchisees
- Route from employment to becoming a franchisee
- Lifestyle and time benefits of running a franchise
- ‘Fortune favours the brave’ – make contact and jump on board!
Useful Links
- Eden Exchange
Website/Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin/Instagram - Business Buy Invest
Website - Jim’s Test & Tag and Fire Safety
Jim’s Test & Tag and Fire Safety, Australia’s first choice for electrical testing and tagging services.
Looking for a new challenge and want to become your own boss? Nothing could be easier than owning your own franchise business with Jim’s. We will provide you with equipment, full training and ongoing support to help you with your journey to success.
With over 3,500 franchisees across Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the UK, the Jim’s Group is a recognised and trusted brand. Our franchisees enjoy the flexibility, lifestyle, income and ability to control their own time with their business.
If you’re interested to find out more or are thinking about becoming a Franchisee with Jim’s Test & Tag, speak to us today to discuss how the Jim’s family could be right for you. Jim’s Test & Tag are there to help you succeed, call 131 546 today or fill in our Franchise Enquiry Form.