Interview with Jason Mclennan, Regional Franchisor at Jim’s Test & Tag and Fire Safety in Western Australia

Eden Exchange recently spoke with Jason Mclennan, Regional Franchisor for Jim’s Test & Tag and Fire Safety in Western Australia. Jason manages multiple areas in the region. He discussed with us his franchising journey and provided some unique insights on the Jim’s Test & Tag and Fire Safety business.
Thanks for speaking with us Jason. Can you tell us about your background and career? Why did you get in to franchising? How long have you been at Jim’s Test & Tag and Fire Safety and how did you first get involved with the company?
Jason McLennan
I am a mechanic by trade. I left the industry as I wasn’t getting any enjoyment or satisfaction out of it and went to truck driving for a waste company. I worked my way up through the ranks and after 6 years with the company became a manager. The Jim’s Test & Tag opportunity presented itself after I had been with the company for 12 years.
After seeing the professionalism of the franchise I decided it was time to start working hard for myself instead of for someone else. I looked at a few different franchise companies whilst conducting my due diligence but none were as professional as Jim’s. That’s why I went with them even though they were more expensive than others. I have now been with Jim’s Test & Tag for over 7 years. Going into business for myself has certainly been worthwhile, and the support from the group has been second to none.
You currently have franchise territories available in Western Australia. Which areas do you specialise in? What are some of the factors that make these regions unique?
Jason McLennan
We have a number of greenfields territories available in areas of WA, as well as a couple of established franchises for sale. Because we are very diverse in the services we provide, there are certainly good opportunities for the right people.
What advice do you have for someone looking to run a franchise for the first time? What’s the key message you tell new franchisees?
Jason McLennan
A couple of key questions are oftern asked of me when enquirers are looking into a frachise.
The first is, where is your support based? Most franchise support roles are based in the eastern states, so distance restraints and time factors inhibit franchisees from making contact or meeting with their franchisor regularly. Jims Test & Tag franchisors are locally based and have obligations to meet with and speak to franchisees regularly.
The second is, who owns the customers when you sell your business? Many franchise systems promise to give you as much work as you want, but a critical factor that isn’t considered is, who owns the customers when it comes time to sell? Jim’s Test & Tag franchisees put in the effort to secure their customers, but own their customers, which means when it comes time to sell your business – you can sell it as an ongoing business with clients
You will get out of any business what you put in. Building a business takes a lot of hard work, especially in the initial stages, and at times can be demoralising. You need to be willing to utilise the support of yours peers and your franchisor to get through the hard yards at the start of the business building process. This is why it is important to choose a franchise that has local support roles.

In your opinion, what makes for a successful Jim’s Test & Tag and Fire Safety franchise owner?
Jason McLennan
To be successful you need to be committed, adaptable, motivated, a team player and above all, be willing to use the support mechanisms provided by the group
What type of support does Jim’s Test & Tag and Fire Safety provide once a new franchise opens for the first time?
Jason McLennan
The franchisor has obligations to help new franchisees build a successful business. Franchisees have other franchisees at varying stages of their business who they can contact and discuss ideas on how to run their business as well. Again, the support of the group is what will make a new franchisee successful, but you have to be willing to ask for it.
What major industry trends should franchise operators and buyers and need be looking out for? What’s your take on where the workplace safety and compliance industry is heading?
Jason McLennan
Workplace safety and compliance is a good industry to be involved in as there is a legal requirement for businesses to maintain a safe working environment. It is highly unlikely that these laws will ever be relaxed. It is repeat work which means once you have a client base established, there is little need to continue looking for new customers.
What challenges have you faced to get the business where it is today? On the other hand, what are some of the key achievements you are proud of?

Jason McLennan
While it is hard work building and running a business, the rewards are worth it. The main challenge I faced was accepting that not every business wants to use my services and therefore I had to accept knock backs, but persistence paid off in the end. Keeping motivated when you receive these knock backs can be difficult, but with the support of the group success is achievable – which I have managed to do.
What’s the most interesting part of your job? What drives you to do what you do?
Jason McLennan
I enjoy the success of picking up new clients and in turn meeting new people. I am also financially driven and the financial rewards from the business are certainly worthwhile.
Thanks for your time Jason.
Jason McLennan
Thank you, and in closing if any of the readers are interested in further information with absolutely no obligations I am happy to discuss.
About Jim’s Test & Tag and Jim’s Fire Safety
Jim’s Test & Tag and Fire Safety, Australia’s first choice for electrical testing and tagging services.
Looking for a new challenge and want to become your own boss? Nothing could be easier than owning your own franchise business with Jim’s. We will provide you with equipment, full training and ongoing support to help you with your journey to success.
With over 3,000 franchisees across Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the UK, the Jim’s Group is a recognised and trusted brand. Our franchisees enjoy the flexibility, lifestyle, income and ability to control their own time with their business.
If you’re interested to find out more or are thinking about becoming a Franchisee with Jim’s Test & Tag, speak to us today to discuss how the Jim’s family could be right for you. Jim’s Test & Tag are there to help you succeed, call 131 546 today or fill in our Franchise Enquiry Form.