Interview with Jake and Kurt Ewald – Sportzing Court Care Gold Coast

Eden Exchange recently spoke with Jake and Kurt Ewald who run a successful Sportzing Court Care business on the Gold Coast. Jake and Kurt talked to us about their Franchising journey as well as their experiences growing their Sportzing business.
Sportzing Court Care is an Australian Franchise which specialises in servicing, cleaning, maintaining and installing tennis courts. It has grown rapidly in recent years, and is looking for new Franchisees around Australia.
Thanks for speaking with us Jake and Kurt. Firstly, why did you get in to Franchising? What were you doing prior to Sportzing and how did you first get involved with the company?
Jake and Kurt Ewald
We both have backgrounds in the trades and service industry. Jake was working as a locksmith Kurt was working with refrigeration and air conditioning, so we see the value in the maintenance industry. We first got involved and exposed to the tennis industry when our late father Keith Ewald owned the Franchise. We saw the potential and couldn’t let the opportunity slip.

You currently run a Franchise on the Gold Coast of Australia. What areas do you focus on? What are some of the factors that make running a Sportzing business unique?
Jake and Kurt Ewald
We focus on customer satisfaction to sustain regular recurring visits. We are continually building and expanding our database. We have a diverse range of customers, from residential, commercial, and body corporations.
What advice do you have for someone looking to own a Franchise for the first time? What’s the key message you tell new Franchisees?
Jake and Kurt Ewald
Servicing in the dry. Sales in the wet. The servicing side is heavily weather dependant – Make hay while the sun shines!
In your opinion, what does it take to be a successful Sportzing Franchisee?
Jake and Kurt Ewald
Team work, ambition, organisational skills and passion

What type of support does Sportzing provide once a new Franchise first starts?
Jake and Kurt Ewald
Advice and support of all kinds, access to the database, contact and lead information, and product sales. They are very willing to help achieve the best in each region and provide access to databases, customer leads and new products.
What’s your take on where your industry is heading? What are some key industry trends you believe Franchise buyers and owners need to be aware of?
Jake and Kurt Ewald
Rise in artificial grass surfaces; schools are installing synthetic grass all around, as it requires lower maintenance than real grass. The Commonwealth Games are bringing plenty of interest to the sporting industry. We feel this is going to expand through other recreational activities.
What are some of the achievements you are proud of at Sportzing? On the other hand, what challenges have you faced to get the business to where it is today?
Jake and Kurt Ewald
We are proud to be immersed in the synthetic grass industry for so long – which has enabled us to establish client and supplier relationships. We have gained many routine long standing customers that have great respect for the Franchise, and give us a sense of appreciation. We have experienced many challenges along the way; most small businesses will. It is these moments that teach you the most and help you to grow a Franchise.

What’s the most interesting part of your job? What drives you to do what you do?
Jake and Kurt Ewald
The most interesting part has to be the variety of places we visit. Generally we visit two to three places each day – which sure keeps things moving.
Thanks for your time Jake and Kurt.
About Sportzing
Sportzing Court Care is Australia’s foremost Franchise specialising in servicing, cleaning, maintaining and installing tennis courts. Sportzing is now recruiting new Franchisees around Australia. To view their latest Franchise opportunities please click here or call Call 1800 818 894 for a confidential discussion.