Interview with Duane Collins, Regional Franchisor at Jim’s Test & Tag and Fire Safety in Queensland
Eden Exchange recently spoke with Duane Collins, Regional Franchisor for Jim’s Test & Tag and Jim’s Fire Safety in Queensland. Duane discussed with us his franchising journey and provided some unique insights on the Jim’s Test & Tag and Fire Safety business.

Thanks for speaking with us Duane. Can you tell us about your background and career? Why did you get in to franchising? How long have you been at Jim’s Test & Tag and Fire Safety and how did you first get involved with the company?
Duane Collins
I am originally from England. I grew up in Manchester and moved to Australia twenty years ago. I was originally a carpenter in the UK, but got into shop fitting when I arrived in Australia. While here I met my wife, and deciding that the weather was better than in the UK, married her as quickly as possible! We lived in Sydney for 10 years where I was contracted as a Project Manager on a large multisite project running teams of shop fitters, electricians, plumbers etc.
When that role finished I started my own business and ended up doing jobs in Queensland. Deciding that the weather was even better than Sydney (!) I swiftly convinced my wife to move up here where we live on the Sunshine Coast. I have been a very happy Australian citizen for the past eighteen years.
I had been in the building industry for thirty years and I was not being challenged in my work. Like most guys in their late forties and early fiftes, I was looking for something different and wanted to spend more time with my young family.
Part of my role as a Site Supervisor was the safety of the sites. I came across Jim’s Test & Tag while looking around for a fresh start. I was interested in their model and the fact that Jim’s does not charge a percentage of your earnings. I found it a very professionally run and organised Franchise. It was a new Franchise for Jim’s and I could see the potential growth for the industry as safety will never go backwards.
When I was down in Melbourne on my Prospect Information Workshop (two day PIW in Melbourne), I was given the opportunity to be the Master Franchisor for Brisbane. With consultation with my aforesaid wonderful wife and an even bigger consultation with the bank, we decided to give it a go and have never looked back!
You currently have franchise territories available across Queensland. Which areas do you specialise in? What are some of the factors that make these regions unique?
Duane Collins
We have Franchise territories available across all regions from the NSW / Queensland borders right up to the top of Cape York! I started with one Region north of Brisbane and have over the last nine years added South Brisbane, the Gold Coast and Western Queensland which consists of six regions in all. Throughout Queensland I have 114 available territories for sale.
I believe that the whole of Queensland has enormous potential to grow businesses in the safety industry. It’s a requirement for small business as well as major corporations. Being a franchisee myself, I have small family run businesses as clients as well as huge national clients. I do not specialise in one area as I enjoy the variety of different workplaces and locations. Meeting and helping new clients keeps it interesting for me.

What advice do you have for someone looking to run a franchise for the first time? What’s the key message you tell new franchisees?
Duane Collins
Like any business there is a lot of challenging work at the front end. One of the sayings that you hear a lot is “What you put in is what you get out”. Take advantage of the Franchise system as that is what it is there for. You are in business for yourself, but not by yourself. There are over 200 other franchisees who have been there and done that or are like yourself starting out. Your franchisor is also your mentor. He will be more than happy to guide you, as he is a franchisee himself and has also been through the same journey.
In your opinion, what makes for a successful Jim’s Test & Tag and Fire Safety franchise owner?
Duane Collins
As a Franchisee, I listened to my peers and being a Franchisor as well, I understand the importance of sticking to the franchise system and attending general meetings and conferences, as you keep learning every day. I particularly enjoy the conferences as it gives me an opportunity to meet with other franchisees and hear about their journey. I always come away with the feeling that I made the right decision all those years ago.
What type of support does Jim’s Test & Tag and Fire Safety provide once a new franchise opens for the first time?
Duane Collins
We have a hands-on approach to new Franchisees. As their Franchisor, I am with them every day for the first two weeks and I am always around to help. We also enrol them in an online sales and marketing course to help develop their sales process. All new Franchisees get two leads as opposed to the one that the other established Franchisees get while they are starting up. And of course, there is the Pay for Work Guarantee (PFWG).
PFWG is available to assist Franchisees in the development stage of their business but it’s not unconditional. Franchisees must meet certain criteria to claim. I have always helped my Franchisees by giving them work at the start as I believe they want to be out there learning and practising.

What’s your take on where the workplace safety and compliance industry is heading? What major industry trends should franchise operators and buyers and need be looking out for?
Duane Collins
Workplace safety is always moving forward. Employers are looking for companies like ours who can offer a suite of services to look after their requirements as it makes meeting their compliance obligations easier. The beauty about Test & Tag and Fire is it is relatively recession proof. We went through the GFC and although we lost some clients, it didn’t really affect my overall income as the service was still required and needed.
What are some of the key achievements you are proud of? On the other hand, what challenges have you faced to get the business where it is today?
Duane Collins
I am proud that I started in this business knowing nothing and that eight years later I have a thriving business with multiple regions and franchisees. It was a steep learning curve at the beginning and very challenging as the business grew quickly and I had to keep up! The greatest benefit of Jim’s Test & Tag’s system for me is that I am always supported by the division who have given me fantastic advice and guidance.
One of the major challenges I faced was when I broke my ankle stepping off a kerb going for a coffee. I was off work for three months. What got me through was the fact that my franchisee colleagues helped me out with my customers, so that when I got back to work I was able to pick up where I left off without a great loss of income. This is one of the great things about having a franchise.

What’s the most interesting part of your job? What drives you to do what you do?
Duane Collins
As a Franchisor, I enjoy supporting (and learning!) from my Franchisees. We have a meeting every six weeks which brings everyone together to support each other and keep each other up-to-date with what is happening. Learning how to support different personalities with different goals and see them developing their business is the best part of my job.
As a franchisee, I like meeting new and interesting people and talking to potential clients and growing my franchise. I enjoy being out and about, not stuck in one place all the time. As well as the financial rewards, the flexibility in my work hours has given me the opportunity to spend time with my boy going on fishing trips to Frazer Island, taking time off as and when I like, surprising my wife with lunch in Noosa and just spending time with my family and friends.
Entering different workplaces everyday keeps the job interesting, and returning to workplaces where I have made friends and I am welcomed in the door is really rewarding. I just wish that they would stop calling me JIM!
Thanks for your time Duane.
About Jim’s Test & Tag and Jim’s Fire Safety
Jim’s Test & Tag and Fire Safety, Australia’s first choice for electrical testing and tagging services.
Looking for a new challenge and want to become your own boss? Nothing could be easier than owning your own franchise business with Jim’s. We will provide you with equipment, full training and ongoing support to help you with your journey to success.
With over 3,500 franchisees across Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the UK, the Jim’s Group is a recognised and trusted brand. Our franchisees enjoy the flexibility, lifestyle, income and ability to control their own time with their business.
If you’re interested to find out more or are thinking about becoming a Franchisee with Jim’s Test & Tag, speak to us today to discuss how the Jim’s family could be right for you. Jim’s Test & Tag are there to help you succeed, call 131 546 today or fill in our Franchise Enquiry Form.