FONEWEAR –Technology Merges with Clothing – Innovative startup Business for Sale


  • Original personal mobile phone management system – Patented to cover up to 148 countries
  • All the startup work completed
  • Global trademarking covers 10 major countries & regions.



The original personal mobile phone management system, with all the startup work completed. Have your phone with you always!

Continuous, secure, safe and dependable phone storage, access and use. Manage your phone from your Fonewear garment or pillowcase.

Fonewear is an innovative startup clothing business for sale. This business has wide international sales potential in general & corporate markets through marketing to extensive target groups and/or niche markets.

Global trademarking covers 10 major countries and regions. Detailed patenting to cover up to 148 countries.

Extensive selling plans and reports.

The comfort is such that it does not feel as if a phone is being worn.

2 products in 1. Patented purpose designed and constructed phone pocket of 22 features stitched to full ranges of affordable men’s, women’s & children’s casualwear & sportswear shirts, polos, T-shirts & singlets (and pillowcase range to afford 24/7 phone management).

  • Supersedes inefficient detachable phone holder accessories & ordinary clothing pockets.
  • Comprehensive business & marketing plans (with 6 tables of financial projections) & market research and technical reports.
  • Extensive global trademarking.
  • Samples, computer illustrations, specifications, colourations & card patterns.
  • Professional website in place.
  • Attractive sales potential of at least 9 target markets.
  • Sole submarket product position bridging mobile phone, phone accessories, clothing and bedware sectors.
  • Vendor guidance to purchaser in all aspects of business operation.
  • Strong global growth opportunity. Suit online micro-multinational structure, particularly as operated by garment manufacturers and retailers; others with garment industry expertise; investors with garment industry connections; strategic buyers wishing to integrate an innovative brand into other companies; or entrepreneurs with complementary retail businesses.
  • Business is passing from fully developed startup stage to commercial production
  • Fully developed startup.
  • Vendor assistance with vendor financing and third party financing
  • Terms are negotiable. Serious offers will be considered.
  • Franchising promises future benefit.

6-page introduction and brief business and marketing plan outlines are available on request. You will then be required to sign a standard single-page confidentiality agreement before further information will be made available.

Make your enquiry today. Contact 0404 560 424 or (03) 9857 7693.

Click here for the listing in Eden Exchange.